Last Updated on June 17, 2022 by Federal Disability Lawyer
People often act without forecasting prospective issues. In filing for disability retirement, it is important to take into account the emphasis and basis upon which one files for Federal Disability Retirement, because when an approval is given by the Office of Personnel Management, OPM identifies the specific medical disability upon which they granted the approval.
As such, it is important for the applicant to base the application upon the medical condition/disability, in the sequence of importance, the most serious to the least serious.
This is important not only for purposes of winning disability retirement cases, but further, with a view to the future: when the random Medical Questionnaire is sent to a disability retirement annuitant, if the medical condition upon which you were approved for was a minor, “least serious” medical condition, then 5 years or 10 years down the road, it may well have “resolved”, which puts you in danger of losing your disability retirement benefits.
This is why it is important to have a view to the future, and guidance and advice from an FERS Medical Retirement Attorney is important in securing that future investment. For, ultimately, obtaining disability retirement benefits which could potentially be the primary source of income for the next decade or two, is an investment for the future.
Robert R. McGill, Esquire
Federal Disability Retirement Attorney